Resolutions for 2017? It is that time of year to evaluate areas where we ROCKED it in 2016 and well... some that were not so great!
I like to make a list of areas that need a little attention! {Unfortunately, there are several things for me to address in the new year!} This year I will be using the "fresh start" to set GOALS! Grab a cup of coffee or a glass of iced tea and lets brainstorm some much needed ideas for CHANGE in 2017!
“By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.”
Because making healthier lifestyle changes can be overwhelming I tend to focus on one area at a time! I don't make lofty changes right away knowing that in a month I will not be able to maintain these "resolutions". All of my goals are progressive changes and may take all year long! But having something to work towards is impowering & I truly set out to succeed with my goals!
Here are a few areas that I am personally going to work on in the new year!
1. Health and Wellness
2. Organization
3. Routine/ Balance
4. Delegating
Many of you will make changes pertaining to health... diet & exercise! I personally think this is a great start but health has so many levels. I too have health goals this year, as I have every year in the past... For the past 5 years I have been gradually trying to reduce Chemicals in our homes... this is such an easy area to improve heath and wellness but can be daunting and overwhelming. Like I said... 5 YEARS and still counting! I have to give you a back log in order to proceed with 2017 GOALS.
2012-2014: during my pregnancy with Benjamin I started to become aware of what I was being exposed to on a daily basis, at work, at home and when I was out and about. I changed to aluminum free deodorant and used Low VOC paint when possible. I avoided highly processed foods, high fructose corn syrup, MSG etc. I used plant derived vitamins , started eating organic produce and using more essential oils (for cleaning headaches, mosquito repellant etc.), I even switched to what I thought was a safer toothpaste and I really thought I was doing good! Because of my first pregnancy in 2011 ending in a miscarriage these changes were very important to me.. I felt an even stronger desire to protect the human growing inside of me! But I continued to learn and discover safer products for my baby! My focus was really on his exposure! When I became pregnant with my youngest son I stopped using many of my personal care products and switched to more "natural" options! I was unaware of the lack of regulation in skincare and fell a victim to greenwashing! My safe products were not so safe after all!
2015: I discovered Norwex cleaning supplies and eliminated a ton of toxic chemicals under my kitchen sink! I never had to use the child safety latches here because it was all safe! Yay! I continued to eat organic and only purchase organic baby foods and snacks for my boys, But I was still mostly focused on the boys products and relied heavily on what companies said about their own product safety because I was very overwhelmed by reading the labels and honestly didn't know what was good or bad! I tried to buy things with ingredients I could pronounce haha!
2016: In January I started using Beautycounter skincare and makeup. I also started to learn more and more about harmful ingredients in my products... I downloaded and used the EWG app religiously and discovered that most of my daily products had several toxic ingredients in them! I continued to learn about this sad epidemic and became very passionate about sharing what I had discovered. I decided to join Beautycounter in the mission to get safer products into the hands of everyone! I started eliminating plastic in our daily use and introduced beachbody workouts and shakeology protein shakes and as a family we started following the bulletproof diet and switched to grass fed and pastured meats, dairy and eggs! We switched to Schmidts deodorant and Jason's toothpaste (I strive to eliminate toxins everywhere we can!) We started rock climbing as a family and doing daily bible study but, sadly, I have not been very consistent with these fun ventures!
A few of my favorite Beautycounter products! I cant believe I lived 34 years before having these?
Which leads me to... 2017 HEALTH GOALS: I plan to continue using safer products on our entire family and install a whole house water filtration system and eliminate bottled water as much as possible! I will wake earlier and start my day with bulletproof coffee and my devotional! I am going to switch to cooking with cast iron and stainless steel (no more non stick pans for us) and eliminate my plastic utensils... Guys, this is going to be a HUGE adjustment! I don't care for stainless steel or wooden spoons but I am going to give it my best! I will start exercising at least 3 times a week for mental and physical health. As a family we will continue to limit the amount of sugar we eat (this is really for me and the boys.. hehe) and I will pay closer attention to the food ingredients for my boys snacks (primarily food coloring). Because all of these changes can be overwhelming I am glad to share more details and other ways you could "clean up your act" in 2017!
Are you a great organizer? Maybe I need to have you come over to my house... This used to be a strong suite for me but I guess there are too many balls in the court for me to keep everything in order the way that I would like! Whatever the reason it has gotten out of control in 2016! We joke that every room has fabric, tile, paint or Beautycounter in it... I love these things but they need a home STAT! My work is taking over our personal spaces and somehow I don't think that is mentally healthy for ANYONE! I have already started going room by room and cleaning out all of the unnecessary! I still have a ways to go but My goal for 2017 is to better utilize my storage and not let things pile up until filing them away is a daunting task! I love tidy and clean but having things just tucked out of site is NOT my goal either! I truly want to organize and eliminate the clutter! (Note: this is challenging when having 2 toddlers with a million toys, constantly changing clothing and shoe sizes, tons of gear and 2 businesses in our house...) This is my MOST lofty goal for 2017 by FAR!
“He who hoots with the Owls at night cannot soar with the Eagles in the morning!”
How many of you stay up way too late and need a clock reset! I'm GUILTY!!! And, I hate to admit that my kiddos are totally off schedule because of it! Or maybe I stay up way to late because my kids are still awake. Ha! Either way, something has to change! As I mentioned earlier I want to wake up early and spend time in devotion... I NEED this!!! But I just cannot do it if I stay up way too late. 2017 RESET, clean slate right?!?! I am afraid this is easier said than done but it is my GOAL to work on our routine and get horizontal a little earlier! Balance is another tricky word... I mean what does that even mean!?!? I just know I need it... I have a very flexible schedule with the intention of spending more time with my boys but all too often I am trying to work while they are with me and I just need to unplug! I need to put my phone down and engage... Be present in the present! Some people may want to multi task more but I feel like that is all I do. Lately I am doing 2 things while thinking about something else. So, I want to balance family, work, leisure all just a little more eloquently! Sounds good anyway! Another super Lofty goal... and I said that I try to set attainable goals. Ha!
So this is something that I have NEVER done successfully! Why I think that this NEW year is going to be different, who knows! I am going to try my darndest though! I truly want to thrive in 2017 and not just survive! I have printed a list of areas that I can potentially give over to someone and I just need to give up a little control. I am fine with passing on housework and have gradually increased my housekeepers hours. But the more responsibilities that I take on the more I have to give away! I love being busy and cant imagine anything else but I think by hiring someone to help me achieve my business goals I will be able to focus even more and will in turn have a more successful year!
I love how I stated that I try to keep my goals attainable! I am a new found believer in writing down your goals! I will continue to write them down monthly and work all year toward these goals as they are ALL lofty and they are ALL progressive! The more I learn the more I will change and every one of these will help me with mental heath, clarity and afford me more time to focus on the important things in life!
Love a FRESH start! What are your big hairy audacious goals for 2017?
Take advantage of the clean slate!